Putting mental health and wellbeing conversation first.

Frequently asked questions:

How do I find out if I have membership to the Association of Mental Health in Education?

You get a year’s free membership when you sign up for training, if you are a member then you would have received a certificate with your membership number on it. To request a membership number, contact us info@rootofit.com.

How much are the tickets?

Workshops – Free to attend just book on the form

Networking – Free to attend just book on the form

Seminars – £15 +VAT (complimentary with a discount code or membership)

Keynote – £20 +VAT (complimentary with a discount code or membership)

Individual membership to The Association of Mental Health in Education is £65+VAT and you get complimentary tickets to the whole event.

What are the total costs involved?

You can book as many or as little as you want to attend but here are the total costs if you wanted to attend every single seminar and the keynote:

Leeds – Seminars £75+VAT, Keynote £20+VAT

Peterborough – Seminars £75+VAT, Keynote £20+VAT

Newcastle – Seminars £90+VAT, Keynote £20+VAT

Individual membership to The Association of Mental Health in Education is £65+VAT and you get complimentary tickets to the whole event.

How do I join The Association of Mental Health in Education?

Visit https://amhie.com/membership and complete the form and we will send you your membership number.

Can I just turn up on the day?

You cannot just show up on the day. So even if you have complimentary tickets, you will need to book your seminars using the booking form and enter your code.

How does the day work?

You can show up whenever you want, but each seminar or workshop has a time slot allocated so if you have booked to attend something please ensure that you arrive with plenty of time. You will be checked in on a register, all workshops and seminars will have signposts.

Is there food available?

We will be contacting all attendees before each show to let you know where you can purchase food and drink. We will not be providing any food and drinks on site, you will have to purchase these separately.

Can I ask questions?

At the end of session there will be space for a Q and A and most speakers will be available throughout the day so please bring your questions.

Help! There are two things that clash that I want to attend!

We have tried our hardest to ensure that you have access to all talks throughout the day but sadly there are some clashes, we’re sorry! But, if you are a member of the Association all Seminars will be videoed and will be available through the portal.

What time do I need to be there?

The day starts at 9.30 and ends following the keynote/awards – arrive in plenty of time for the workshops and seminars you have booked.

What are workshops?

Workshops are presented by the speakers and then involve group activities and interactions.

What are Seminars?

Seminars are talks from the speaker covering the title.

What is the Keynote?

Anne Fine will be presenting a talk that she has written for our events based on how fiction can contribute to a child’s wellbeing in a difficult world.

What are the SEND Awards?

The National Special Educational and Disability or SEND Awards celebrate the most inclusive practices for young people in schools, colleges, educational settings and employment across the UK. We will be presenting the winners with their Awards at our conference in Leeds 14th June.

For more information follow this link: https://sendawards.com

What are the Mental Health in Education Awards?

The Mental Health in Education Awards are a celebration of successful interventions and support across the UK education sector. Since 2023, The MHIEA has recognised and celebrated organisations, services and individuals who have made a positive impact in their communities. This award symbolises hard work and heart-felt devotion. We will be presenting the winners with their Awards at our conference in Peterborough 21st June. For more information follow this link: https://mentalhealthineducationawards.com

Are the tickets for the Show refundable?

If you are unable to attend the show you can cancel up to 14 days before the event for a refund, within 14 days of the event we are unable to issue refunds.

I made a mistake and booked the wrong thing!

Don’t worry, just email us info@rootofit.com and we will make sure you are on the list for the right things.

We hope this helps, if you have more questions contact us 02381 120010 or info@rootofit.com See you at this year’s shows!

Interested in attending? Check out what's planned for this year's events.